339 (
339 Understanding
Roller Coaster -
use this java simulator to design your own roller coaster and investigate the
physics consequences of your design.
339 Build
Your Own Coaster - exactly as the title suggests; see how far you can push
the "Fear-o-Meter"!
(varying in length) Exploratorium Sport Science - several sports are
investigated, including baseball, cycling and surfing.
(varying in length) Dr. Skateboard's Trick Tips - awesome skateboard tricks,
and all the motion principles behind them. Students will love watching
these!! Well done!!
354*** (
(0:24) Rap
attack in Action on Mt. Habrich – when someone is
injured in a remote area, it's a good thing the Rap attack is there to save the
360 Language
of Motion Crossword. (Also available
for download
362-366 Position vs. Time - move the bike and the graph is drawn by
362-366 The Physics of Motion on a Line - need some help
understanding what motion looks like on a graph? Check this site for some
motion graphing examples.
367-370 Using Conversion Factors - good examples, plus a quiz to
367-370 Units: What
Are They Good For? - try this tutorial; it's got some good hints if you get
9.1 (pages may be downloaded and printed at home)
380-386 Acceleration – scroll down to check out
acceleration and the Human Body!!
380 Bjarni Tryggvason
- Canadian Space Agency biography.
380 (varying
in length) NASA Space Shuttle – Several video clips to choose
380 (
386 *** (
389 The
Science of Superheroes - very interesting analysis of superheroes. Some
games and quizzes too! Have fun.
390 (varying in length) The Story of John
Paul Stapp - amazing story and spectacular photos
of the tests John Stapp conducted. Scroll down to see clips and pictures.
Newton's First Law of Motion |
Projectile Motion |
392-397 Acceleration with Velocity Simulations - watch the motion
and the graph carefully. Do this
- what happens when velocity changes? Includes questions as well.
393 (0:28) How Air Bags Work - clear
description of the technology.
393 Airbags
- excellent consumer brochures for download, and some great videos as well.
393 ***(0:58)
Deployment Video – this is excellent test-footage of how a high-speed
accident can almost completely destroy a car, but clearly illustrates the
life-saving potential of airbag technology.
with Nova! - Nova takes us freefalling!!
398-400 Stationed
in the Stars - Free Falling - what does gravity have
to do with weightlessness in orbit? This excellent site has great animations to
help explain the connection.
(0:47) Galileo on the Moon - watch David Scott as he drops a
feather and hammer on the moon. (Free
Teacher's Domain registration required)
400 Galileo's Battle for the Heavens: His
Experiments - animations of his most famous experiments. Part of the
Galilieo site at NOVA.
411 ***(0:07)
Motion – bobsleigh take-off, triple jump, long jump. Some great examples of the human motion in